The disclosure of information from student records is regulated by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and regulations adopted thereunder (34 C.F.R. 99) and the California Education Code Section 67100ff. Union University of California is committed to observing these statutes and regulations to protect the students’ rights of access to their education records and to ensure the non-release of educational records without the written consent of students.
At the request of the student, access to the student’s educational records is granted during normal business hours. Students also have the right to challenge the accuracy of the records and seek correction thereof. Access to student’s records is also permitted to UUC faculty and administrative staff under the following conditions:
- Performance of student counseling duties and/or other relevant reasons for evaluating and assisting students
- Financial aid awards evaluation
- Compliance with a judicial order or subpoena
- Authorization by federal or state officials who are conducting official business, such as evaluating educational programs.