Student Identity Verification

All courses and programs offered through online learning must verify that the student who registers for an online course or program is the same student that participates and completes the course to receive academic credit. Each student at Union University of California is provided a student account, student ID, username, and an initial password for secure access to University systems, including Strut and Classe365. New students are provided their account after admission through the UUC Admission Office.

Students are responsible for providing their complete and true identity information in any identification verification process. It is against University policy for a user to give someone his or her password or to allow others to use his or her account.

All users of UUC’s online system are responsible for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords, and other access credentials as required. An account is given to an individual for the exclusive use by that individual. Attempting to discover another user’s password or attempts to gain unauthorized access to another person’s files or mail is prohibited.

Access credentials may not be shared or given to anyone other than the user to whom they were assigned for any reason. Users are responsible for all uses and activities on their accounts. Users are responsible for changing passwords periodically to maintain security. Users are held responsible for knowledge of the information contained within the most recent University Catalog. Failure to read university guidelines, requirements, and regulations will not exempt users from responsibility.